The never resting travel bug in you

Why do I love to travel so much? The question has deep roots even before the human was civilized. We often hear people saying that travelling is a food for the soul and it changes everything for good. Travelling is the best gift we can gift ourselves with, but do we know the reason behind it? It changes the surroundings around us, it breaks the monotony and so on? But is it really this much limited? I don’t think so. Let’s take a look at the history and evolution of the travelling culture and things that have happened without it.


The existence of early humans, humbled by the mediocrity of resources and information clustered limited around them, and any chidings of nature and adversity were well escaped through migration. They were constant travellers, settled at heart, but nomads at the soul. Travelling wasn’t a recreational activity for them, just a way of getting rid of the presentiments. If you’d look carefully, you will find many undeceiving differences among any species and their ancestors, some were vegetarian and tall, some lanky and carnivorous, some could fly while some just swam. What made the grandeur of evolution come true? Travelling, the courage of hastening their bonds with places and choosing people as home over places.


Ages have passed, and what began as biomolecules is now termed life, and its variations and shades are no limited, they are vast, just like the tranquil oceans and the folded mountains. What started as tentacles changed into wings, and to limbs, incubated beautifully and safely through travelling. The Caterpillar would have remained a caterpillar if it didn’t want to slide through the rainbows, the snakes would have, most probably remained worm-like and submerged. But, no, life wanted to evolve and so it travelled, it set out on numerous journeys, falling and learning, running and flying.

The life that chose to stay, to hold itself smitten within the boundaries evolved, but ceased to grow.


The species that were isolated turned scathe resistant towards their own ancestors, they could no longer connect or mate. They have evolved, but differently. Think of the cannibals, no, not the zombies you watch in the movies, the real cannibals, the people living like early humans in the dense forests, like those in Andaman. Yes, they stayed intact to the splendor of nature but their roots refused to grow, and what’s the obvious consequence? They are shades different from you, even the stable civilization has been a result of the unstable movements. You are different because your ancestors travelled, and theirs stayed confined.


Travelling is growing, it is developing, it is being a part of the bigger world and it is for good. For a while, we forget about our routines and habits and get to see other aspects of ourselves. We evolve, and often for good. From being afraid of the beasts to taming the lions, we have come way farther than what we could have imagined. Never take the halt, man is no amphibian but we have the potential and knowledge that enables us to ride the depths and swim the heights. This knowledge wasn’t bestowed upon us for staying stagnant, had it been so, Eve would have never demanded the apple and we would have had the heavens forever. But maybe, we were meant to create a better heaven than what was gifted to us.


Travel nearby, settle after miles,


Travel to the heights, but choose the depths,


For if you don’t, life is still limited to biomolecules.
